Publications Czyż

Tao, L., Raz, O., Marx, Z., Ghosh, M. S., Huber, S., Greindl-Junghans, J., Biezuner, T., Amir, S., Milo, L., Adar, R., Levy, R., Onn, A., Chapal-Ilani, N., Berman, V., Arie, A. B., Rom, G., Oron, B., Halaban, R., Czyz Z. T., Werner-Klein, M., Klein, C. A. and Shapiro, E. Retrospective cell lineage reconstruction in humans by using short tandem repeats. Cell Reports Methods, Volume 1 (2021), DOI: 10.1016/j.crmeth.2021.100054

Werner-Klein M, Grujovic A, Irlbeck C, Obradović M, Hoffmann M, Koerkel-Qu H, Lu X, Treitschke S, Köstler C, Botteron C, Weidele K, Werno C, Polzer B, Kirsch S, Gužvić M, Warfsmann J, Honarnejad K, Czyz Z, Feliciello G, Blochberger I, Grunewald S, Schneider E, Haunschild G, Patwary N, Guetter S, Huber S, Rack B, Harbeck N, Buchholz S, Rümmele P, Heine N, Rose-John S, Klein CA. Interleukin-6 trans-signaling is a candidate mechanism to drive progression of human DCCs during clinical latency. Nature Communications 2020, DOI:10.1038/s41467-020-18701-4.

Durst FC, Grujovic A, Ganser I, Hoffmann M, Ugocsai P, Klein CA, Czyż ZT. Targeted transcript quantification in single disseminated cancer cells after whole transcriptome amplification. PLoS One 2019, DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0216442.

Chen S, Tauber G, Langsenlehner T, Schmölzer LM, Pötscher M, Riethdorf S, Kuske A, Leitinger G, Kashofer K, Czyż ZT, Polzer B, Pantel K, Sedlmayr P, Kroneis T, El-Heliebi A. In Vivo Detection of Circulating Tumor Cells in High-Risk Non-Metastatic Prostate Cancer Patients Undergoing Radiotherapy. Cancers 2019 (Basel), DOI: 10.3390/cancers11070933.

Werner-Klein M, Scheitler S, Hoffmann M, Hodak I, Dietz K, Lehnert P, Naimer V, Polzer B, Treitschke S, Werno C, Markiewicz A, Weidele K, Czyz Z, Hohenleutner U, Hafner C, Haferkamp S, Berneburg M, Rümmele P, Ulmer A, Klein CA. Genetic alterations driving metastatic colony formation are acquired outside of the primary tumour in melanoma. Nature Communications 2018, DOI: 10.1038/s41467-017-02674-y.

Holzschuh MA, Czyż Z, Hauke S, Inwald EC, Polzer B, Brockhoff G. HER2 FISH results in breast cancers with increased CEN17 signals using alternative chromosome 17 probes - reclassifying cases in the equivocal category. Histopathology 2017, DOI: 10.1111/his.13253.

Chen S, El-Heliebi A, Tauber G, Langsenlehner T, Pötscher M, Kashofer K, Czyż ZT, Polzer B, Riethdorf S, Kuske A, Leitinger G, Pantel K, Kroneis T, Sedlmayr P (2017). Catch and Release: rare cell analysis from a functionalised medical wire. Scientific Reports 2017, DOI: 10.1038/srep43424.

Czyż ZT, Kirsch S, Polzer B. Principles of Whole-Genome Amplification. Methods in molecular biology 2015, DOI: 10.1007/978-1-4939-2990-0_1.

Czyż ZT, Klein CA. Deterministic Whole-Genome Amplification of Single Cells. Methods in molecular biology 2015, DOI:10.1007/978-1-4939-2990-0_5.

Czyż ZT, Stoecklein NH, Polzer B. Laser Microdissection of FFPE Tissue Areas and Subsequent Whole Genome Amplification by Ampli1™. Methods in molecular biology 2015, DOI:10.1007/978-1-4939-2990-0_11.

Guzvic M, Braun B, Ganzer R, Burger M, Nerlich M, Winkler S, Werner-Klein M, Czyż ZT, Polzer B, Klein CA. Combined genome and transcriptome analysis of single disseminated cancer cells from bone marrow of prostate cancer patients reveals unexpected transcriptomes. Cancer Research 2014, DOI:10.1158/0008-5472.CAN-14-0934.

Polzer B, Medoro G, Pasch S, Fontana F, Zorzino L, Pestka A, Andergassen U, Meier-Stiegen F, Czyż ZT, Alberter B, Treitschke S, Schamberger T, Sergio M, Bregola G, Doffini A, Gianni S, Calanca A, Signorini G, Bolognesi C, Hartmann A, Fasching PA, Sandri MT, Rack B, Fehm T, Giorgini G, Manaresi N, Klein CA. Molecular profiling of single circulating tumor cells with diagnostic intention. EMBO Molecular Medicine 2014, DOI: 10.15252/emmm.201404033.

Ulmer A, Dietz K, Hodak I, Polzer B, Scheitler S, Yildiz M, Czyż Z, Lehnert P, Fehm T, Hafner C, Schanz S, Röcken M, Garbe C, Breuninger H, Fierlbeck G, Klein CA. Quantitative measurement of melanoma spread in sentinel lymph nodes and survival. PLoS Medicine 2014, DOI: 10.1371/journal.pmed.1001604.

Czyż ZT, Hoffmann M, Schlimok G, Polzer B, Klein CA. Reliable single cell array CGH for clinical samples. PLoS One 2014, DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0085907.

Hittinger M, Czyz ZT, Huesemann Y, Maneck M, Botteron C, Kaeufl S, Klein CA, Polzer B. Molecular profiling of single Sca-1+/CD34+,- cells--the putative murine lung stem cells. PLoS One 2013, DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0083917.